3-4 months

This age is so sweet: they are still in that newborn phase but starting to show more personality, staying awake a lot more, smiling, and doing more things!

To prepare for your 3-4 month milestone session:

  • Set up your session either at your newborn session or a month after your newborn session
  • What to bring to your session:
    • Simple outfits: solid colored onesies, overalls, simple dresses, or photos in a diaper or diaper cover
    • I still can use headbands and wraps for this session
    • Pacifier
    • Blanket
    • Any items you want your baby photographed with
  • This session is a "mini" session; meaning you will receive up to the album download of 15 edited images
  • You are welcome to include family and/or siblings in the photos or just baby. This is up to you
  • Depending on weather, we can do this session either in the studio or outdoors
  • Please fill out this form before your session